ago. The Captain is worried about Wrex's state of mind and doesn't want to continue if Wrex is going to be a problem. Should you cure the Genophage in Mass Effect 2? There’s no right or wrong answer as to whether the Genophage should be cured. Although if you kill him on Virmire, you stand to gain more assets by sabotaging the cure with Wreav. Should You Cure The Genophage In Mass Effect 3. On Virmire, Shepard and their entire squad must help the salarian Special Tasks Group, led by Captain Kirrahe, and destroy Saren's base. 3rd Best Mass Effect Decision: Save Ashley or Kaiden on Virmire. 20 votes, 20 comments. I don't think paragon and renegade decisions shouldn't be what decides that whole ordeal, but instead how it's done. wreav is a dipshit though, and mordin realizes that stupid +. Cure the Genophage, and all you're doing is setting the stage more Krogan war, if not against others, then against themselves again. Wreav ends up taking the credit for curing the genophage. In Mass Effect 3, Mordin develops a cure for the genophage and wishes to distribute it on Tuchanka as part of his loyalty mission. I mean, the Genophage wasn't deployed until after the Krogan wiped out several worlds and were about to completely destroy Palaven (Turian homeworld) by dropping asteroids onto the planet. Nope, the warlord just goes over your involvement with Saren's "cure" abit more but no new character. Cure the Genophage and unleash the full might of Krogan wrath upon those filthy elitist Salarian scum. This subreddit is the unofficial source for people who love the Mass Effect universe including the…It just sounds like a lame attempt to shrug off responsibility for own decisions. In the case of the Genophage cure, if you are in a position to convince Mordin to lie (which is a complicated set of circumstances all it's own ), then either the Paragon or Renegade option will work. Easily. The Krogan will only lend military aid to the Turians that way. This is possibly what the "Genophage cure" was. Fighting the Reapers on the frontlines without a cure would've essentially crippled their stagnated numbers for good and sent them down the way of the protheans. Anyone who says that curing the genophage is wrong either way think that. As I understood it, there was no actual cure, that it depended on cloning krogan and modifying the Genophage out of them. It's worded as a 'cure', but I always took the cure in 3 to really be another adjustment like Mordin's team originally worked on. In “Mass Effect 2” it is only a small appearance, but the Rachni queen appears in the sequel . Whether or not to keep the data about curing the Genophage. Something the salarians could help us out with, considering they were holding some krogan females who, thanks to some experiments, became immune to the genophage. I think the cure should have just been in fact some countermeasure that increased krogan resistance to the genophage over time, and not quickly cure everyone. The real problem is the assumption that the genophage must exist forever without ever relenting and that the Krogan should never be given another chance for a problem that was. Wrex is furious that Captain Kirrahe wants to destroy the cure. I think a better solution was to use the genophage modification research to increase their numbers but not cure the genophage outright. My last playthrough was a while ago, so. Anyways, was slightly surprised at the new 4th ending. My advice is treat all major side missions as priority. And stopped the mad salarian scientist that did barbaric experiments to cure the genophage. Even with Wrex and Eve, they're are just two individuals. ago. Later, the krogan will inevitably discover that the genophage cure was a lie, and Wreav will most likely get murdered by a mob of angry krogan for falsely claiming to be their savour and curing them. The cure wasn’t a vaccination, it was a separate mutagen based on the original that circumvented the Genophage by making other organs fill in. No way. However, Wrex (or Wreav) is convinced that curing it is required to complete the treaty between the krogan and the turians, and Shepard learns early on that the Shroud was sabotaged to prevent any dispersal of the cure. The great thing about Genophage subplot is how much your feeling towards the cure can be affected by your previous choices. Absolutely, just make sure you have enough renegade or paragon zo you van convince people to join you. However, Wrex (or Wreav) is convinced that curing it is required to complete the treaty between the krogan and the turians, and Shepard learns early on that the Shroud was sabotaged to prevent any dispersal of the cure. If its literally genophage, wiping out the krogan, or letting the krogan or rachni wipe out the galaxy then the genophage is a more understandable if not horrific choice. Krogan's don't have an advanced metabolic rate to facilitate physical, and much more importantly, brain development like Salarians, so they should reach physical adulthood at roughly the same time as humans, so this means that the. The difference between the Krogan when the genophage was implemented and the Krogan at the time of choice to cure it is 1,500 years of the genophage. Now, when I thought about it more, I think its extremely naive and risky to cure the genophage (according to LE stats around 90% of players cured the genophage). You sabotage the cure, you will be forced to shoot Mordin, and you must kill Wrex afterwards. The Genophage Dilemma. Of course Refusal would lead to their genocide, cure or no. Saren appears to have discovered a cure for the genophage and is breeding an army of krogan. Wreav should absolutely never be trusted with the fate of a. They are unwilling to adapt to save themselves so they as a species deserve their fate. It is also possible that the. Sabotage The Genophage Cure . 0. If you cure the genophage the Krogan will at some point in the not too distant future dominate the galaxy over all races, humans included. The genophage's modus operandi is not to reduce the fertility of krogan females, but rather the probability. Theoretically, you just can't get the. Yes, i destroyed it in my ME2 renegade playthrough. This will reduce your war asset by 150 in Mass Effect 3. Here is everything you need to know about whether or not you should accept the. The below is a best squad choices for. "The krogan, for their part, wanted a cure to the genophage. Even if they were mutually exclusive, the genophage cure assets are worth more war assets (150 vs 125, and if you sabotage you can also get Mordin who's worth an additional 25). Either Wrex is alive and you cure, or Wreav is in charge and you sabotage. The Tuchanka Bomb mission is highly time critical and should be completed at first opportunity. Wrex alone w/cure = Wrex can unite, but not peacefully. At the beginning of Mass Effect 3, Commander Shepard will. Any notion that curing the genophage might result in negative consequences for the galaxy—and that includes the Dalatrass and her attempt to get Shepard to sabotage the cure—are based on the sure and certain knowledge that the war with the Reapers ends at Earth with the. ACT 1: The Genophage. Cold as it may sound, the genophage may actually instill a stronger value for life in the Krogan. Mordin Solus will attempt to cure the Genophage. In this case, I can do 3 things at once. Once they've weakened each other, you can finish them off. However, in Mass Effect 2, he saved Maelon's research data and when importing the saved file, it even says the the data was saved. The cure now erases the sterility and makes the birthrate 3-4 out of a thousand. He will be physically alright. The genophage has been a major point of focus in the Mass Effect franchise from the start. 4 PARAGON SHEPARD: Help Wrex Cure The Genophage. Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage. Should i cure genophage. In Mass Effect 3 though, it. Morally speaking, curing the Genophage is probably the right thing to do. What is the reason to suddenly cure them so that. There is little you can fail to see regarding the disturbing ethical nature of a forced population control. Kill Wrex In Mass Effect 1. You can also access the journal. ] (/spoiler "ME3 Citadel DLC") The use of the genophage originally is again, at least in my viewpoint, wrong. Honestly, the genophage was immoral, but it was the best solution presented. Charm/Intimidate options for which you don't have sufficient reputation are shown in grey, because you cannot select them. You cannot justify genocide/extinction. I haven't lost the Urdnot support in war assets and Grunt is still present in the DLC stuff, and if Wrex knew I had sabotaged the cure, I'm sure Grunt, being an Urdnot, would also be angry with me, or at the least would have to follow Wrex in abandoning me and the war effort. Several characters can be. By Jennifer Melzer. The genophage is only a problem for the Krogan because of their culture and society. It's an emotional choice to cure it, logic is completely against it. If you cure the genophage then expect the Krogan to lash out violently when the resources are all consumed. Saren. spoilers. My last playthrough was a while ago, so. To keep Mordin alive in Mass Effect 3, the data needs to be destroyed which will ultimately also kill Eve, the only surviving Krogan from Maelon's attempts to cure the genophage. Leviathan and Citadel before the atack on Cronos station. Funny thing. An argument breaks out and you'll have to. Mass Effect 3 places many choices in the hands of the player, though few have as major an aftermath as whether or not to cure the Genophage. The kid in Mass Effect 3 is a symbol for Shepard's trauma, but its connection to the Catalyst is only explained by a strong fan theory. In addition the Genophage is what allowed the Krogan to build up their own culture to the point where a leader like Wrex is actually able to start. You can receive the points only if Urdnot Wrex died in Mass Effect 1 and as a result was replaced by Urdnot Wreav. If the krogan don't have sensible and stable leaders to help them transition into a more peaceful race, the genophage IS a good thing on balance. He acted as if he knew best to the point he killed Wrex by Ashley. That's 0. Shepard's hamartia (fatal flaw in Greek) was arrogance. Not a chance. However, if Wrex isn't in charge then I sabotage the cure. You can easily cure the genofage in ME3, however if you want to get the best ending (hints below, watch on your own risk): - ME1: keep Wrex alive. . Any race that can have 1000 babies every reproductive cycle simply leads to completely unsustainable growth. Here comes the ultimatum. only way to sabotage the Genophage cure without having to kill the STG doctor is to walk away with their lives is if Wrex is not killed on Virmire or not recruited at all in Mass Effect 1. Cloning. 1 Answer. Suggesting he help the Krogan and telling him to hold onto it produces Paragon, while saying the genophage was right and he should destroy the data grants Renegade points. no legal scenario with wrex alive translates to krogan + salarian support and alive mordin. The cured krogan led by Wreav would be a disaster for the galaxy. I think curing the genophage is the right thing for two reasons: 1) Ethically speaking, righting the wrong of extreme biological terrorism is a no-brainer, and it’s the only way to respect the rights of Krogans as sentient beings. They are not in the middle of a war with the krogans anymore. I was about a foot away from the synthesis beam when I turned around and shot the starchild for old time's. I expected him to show up because he doesn't yet know that I sabotaged the genophage. I'm drawing a blank on this but does Wrex ever mention a plan to prevent the explosive population growth that will occur at an unsustainable rate when you cure the genophage? Obviously he's trying to build a stable Krogan society but that seems a difficult thing to deal with. Only most of the krogan females wound up dying anyway. Poor Mordin. Early into the Mission on Virmire, you'll learn that Saren has found a cure for the Genophage in this lab, and Wrex is furious that it'll be. However, Wrex (or Wreav) is convinced that curing it is required to complete the treaty between the krogan and the turians, and Shepard learns early on that the Shroud was sabotaged to prevent any dispersal of the cure. He was the scientist's former student and was working on a cure for the genophage for a Krogan mercenary group called Blood Pack. Wrex lives: Cure the Genophage. Sadly, to save Mordin's life, you must sacrifice another beloved companion: Urdnot Wrex. So virtually you lose her as an asset. Not saving Maelons data does not stop you from curing the Genophage, however the female named EVE dies, and she is considered a war asset. By philiposophy - Wed Nov 03, pm. Mordin’s loyalty mission takes you back to the question of the Krogan Genophage. I say this because a true renegade gets the mission done by any means, which would mean that one would go with whatrver nets the most assets. Think about it Tuchanka is barely habitable how would it be able to support such a massive increase in population. Plus it's apparently dangerous to cure the genophage with Wreav in command because he don't care about peace. "What is better. However, players who choose to play as Renegade Shepard have the option to sabotage the cure and keep. You'll have. ACT 2: The Geth And Quarian Conflict. There’s no right or wrong answer as to whether the Genophage should be cured. 1. Make sure you do side missions and scan planets and you should be good to go. KekeBl • 2 yr. Early into the Mission on Virmire, you'll learn that Saren has found a cure for the Genophage in this lab, and Wrex is furious that it'll be. The krogans are slowly dying of depression and cultural collapse that comes with seeing millions. Edited by Nightwriter, 03 November - PM. Curing the Genophage is a dumb decision and it's a pity it's been forced as the good guy way to go in the game. The genophage is a solution to the problem, but it was poorly made because of the time crunch it was developed in, the resulting stillbirth effect causing significant emotional distress to krogan. You still cure the genophage, but the female krogan dies after you cure it. If you have Wrex with you, the 'Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage' assignment is added to your journal. Mordin says in ME2 that they re-engineered the Genophage due to the Krogan's adapting to it, and how it had been made to stabilize their population rather than destroy it. There was no way you could pass it along to other krogan, only Saren's would be immune. However, Wrex (or Wreav) is convinced that curing it is required to complete the treaty between the krogan and the turians, and Shepard learns early on that the Shroud was sabotaged to prevent any dispersal of the cure. If the genophage is cured billions of Krogan babies will die. Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage. But also keep in mind this: the Genophage cure was destroyed by the Reaper that fought Kalros/in the process of the Kalros fight. Synthesis would make the Krogan more empathetic to the concerns of other races and prevent them from aggression against them. Maelon helped Mordin work on the genophage project, so his capture raises possible security concerns. Furthermore, if you did not cure the genophage, Wrex will eventually find out and confront you during Priority: The Citadel III, leading to his death and a diminishing of the krogan's military strength. CMV: Curing the genophage is the wrong thing to do. This is where it gets a little complicated. Commander Shepard knew by the time they reached. Option 1: If Wrex is the Krogan leader, then you cannot persuade Mordin to walk away and trick the Krogan. Your average krogan breeder on Tuchanka wouldn't be suddenly be immune to it because the clone showed up and tried to mate. However, Wrex (or Wreav) is convinced that curing it is required to complete the treaty between the krogan and the turians, and Shepard learns early on that the Shroud was sabotaged to prevent any dispersal of the cure. csx39 • 10 mo. 0. iam still playing ME1 but was just wondering in which ME game can we cure the genophage and is there any side effects that'll come back to bite me if i do cure it. Because this cure is 1) manufactured by a Very Not Good Dude and 2) driving the Krogan literally insane, there is a good reason to want to destroy what is found. And the last save that didn't do that is at least 5 hours before I did it. Getting the most out of it by being ultimate renegade: Kill Wrex in ME1, Save the Data, Kill Mordin when he wants to cure the genophage: In the end you get all out of the Krogan clans, the Urdnot clan and the Salarian support. As far as I'm concerned, there wouldn't be anything stopping the genophage being rolled out again should the krogan become a problem. Control would have Reapers to check the Krogan militarily. I'm just complaining that Bioware hasn't done a good job in presenting the Salarian and Turian's reason for the use of the genophage. The new Genophage would be much less susceptible to adaptation than the old one, and the Krogan would have much more difficulty overcoming it. Though I do cure the genophage if Wrex is in charge because he does seem like he does want to turn away from the previous Krogan culture. But, as stated before, the genophage was originally a deterrent. Wreavs is in command: Well, screw the krogans. If you choose to cure it: You get Krogan support But if you choose to not cure. The genophage is just a less violent equivalent. Before you go to Tuchanka, the Salarian dalatrass calls the Normandy to offer you a choice to sabotage the Genophage cure. If you haven’t tried it you should. Look, Wrex is a cool guy and he's a good leader, but even so it's hard to trust the krogan. So hear me out. But Dalatrass Linron, a major Salarian leader, has a deal to offer to Commander Shepard: secretly. He also dies in the process and you will lose your alliance with Krogan. I don’t change these choices because I am a good person, and to. Cure it and the Krogan have a second chance, they have hope and reasons to rebuild better, they have powerful leadership, and they collectively know what will happen if they repeat the Krogan. 1. Everything. It boils too much to population control instead of how. The pre-genophage and post-cure krogan reproduce so explosively fast and have such high survivability and longevity that unless the krogan kill each other en masse (or are killed en masse by an external force), then their society can't sustain itself. Cure the Krogans. . . Only the Krogan on Tuchanka were cured. If the player lets her go, however, she will then resurface in Mass Effect 2, now working for a Krogan scientist Dr. Kirrahe wants to destroy the cure as well as the.